Veritran Studio
- application themes
Preset packages of graphical appearance details, such as color, size, fonts and backgrounds, which define the look & feel of a screen.
- app templates
Pre-designed apps that offer a complete user interaction flow and are oriented towards a specific use case.
- app version
Unique state of an application that is identified by a unique number. This number is assigned automatically in increasing order and corresponds to new developments in the app.
- branch
Copy of an app or module used to develop and test changes made to screens and processes of an app in an independent manner.
- commit
The action that brings changes made in a branch to Master. Each commit generates a new app version.
- configurable transactions
Transactions configured with low-code and published from Studio, interpreted and executed by the middleware.
- drag & drop
Feature that allows you to grab an object and place (drop) it into a different location.
- extensions
Different types of products – such as features, app templates or components – available at Veritran Marketplace that accelerate construction processes.
- global parameters
Configuration information whose scope applies to your Studio environment.
- layout templates
Reusable feature configuration to enable adding instances to different components.
- main module
module that represents the app itself in the branch navigator.
- Master branch
Stable, read-only branch of your app or module from which new branches are created.
- middleware
Software that provides common services and capabilities to applications outside of what’s offered by the operating system.
- modules
Reusable configuration units that you can create for a screen or for a component.
- native transactions
Transactions programmed in the middleware, in the same programming language as Studio.
- omnichannel
Approach which streamlines all the customer interactions across multiple touchpoints in a unified way to deliver a consistent experience across different devices and channels.
- parameters
Global configuration information given to the different components of the platform. A parameter consists of an ID, type of information stored, a value, and scope (global or site).
- processes
Sequences of steps that add logic to an app. Each step runs an operation or function.
- registers
Variables that store and transmit data for specific purposes, while general purpose registers store and transmit custom data.
- screens
Visual areas with distinct content that can be arranged to form a site view.
- site parameters
Configuration information whose scope applies only to your current app.
- site views
Groups of screens that have the same layout.
- theme
Group of settings that define the look and feel of your app.
- transactions
Services executed in the middleware of Veritran platform.