The Settings tab shows basic information about the screen you are editing. The fields you can edit or preview are:
Name. Name of the screen.
Institution. Name of the institution or company configured in your environment.
View/Area. Visual area of the screen that is being edited and the site view (glossary) it belongs to. Both the site view and layout applied need to be already pre-configured on your app and screen. Depending on the area of the screen you are editing, the rest of the canvas will be grayed out and won’t be editable. Refer to the Layout article to learn more about this topic.
Sequence. ID assigned to a screen that establishes an order in the screens’ progression. Begins with S and is then followed by three digits; for example, S097.
Group. This feature is no longer in use.
Comments. Short description about the screen.
Tags. Tag or description that helps you identify the function of the screen.